Wednesday 1 February 2017

Ham Sleeps.

Sweet reader
Its been a long time since I decided to write down the going ons of the human and rat world, after Ed passed on I guess I couldn't find the words, not like I once had. I guess maybe the shock of not only losing a close friend but also an entire army of rats known to us (Street Sleepers) as the Vermillion hit me harder than I could handle.

Sweet Street Sleepers, I am old.

I find these days hard and my legs have weakened far to much. My cage mate now bullies me for him it is a revenge from my youthful days of showing him whose boss. I apologise to all who I had been recklessly aggressive to.

This is my goodbye letter, my Lady know I'm finally ready to go, she speaks of the time approaching where my trip to the vets will be my last and though I am scared for this time coming, I long for it. My achy bones no longer allow me to climb and I struggle to find a comfy sleeping position. Alas I hope to see Ed once more, Oh how I miss my sweet brother.

I can confirm that the Vermillion no longer live, whatever happened to Ed seemed to have been a malfunction in all of their army, and so without the take over, the Street Sleepers were finally allowed free roam of the cities, being pets and rogues. I fully endorsed into the life of comfort and lavished the affection of my family. Plump from food and high on happiness. The whole thing about cats taking over turned out to be a rumour and cats still think they are top of the food chain...while still eating tinned meat chosen by their slaves.

The Space Rat also made his passing during the year, his little body sprouted up flowers in his grave, the colours were of spring. I didn't really know him and I am unaffected by his passing, Narna now lives alone but he seems to spend his time playing with his toys and chuckling like the Space rat is still with him...Maybe he is.

Life is fleeting for us rats, it flies past without enough time...
Saying my goodbye has approached far to soon, I haven't finished my search for the biggest ham joint nor have I yet discovered what ham actually is!!
But age is an issue when its hard to move, its hard to be happy when pain nips at your legs and your hands cant hold food.

I think my time is near, and with it I shall take my memories. This will be the last you will read of my thoughts, I will cherish the warmth of my family's hold, and when its time....When I hear Ed call and the fairies music.... I will sleep.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Stupid Narna

Today our lady let us all out together, hoping we would all get along.

I think she forgot about Narna being a twizzle tail, he gets me all fluffed up. You know when you meet someone and you just hate them.... well Narna is that someone to me and he knows it, and because he has stupid ears he plays all cute and makes me out to look like the bad rat to the lady!!

Urgh! I just want to chew his tail off and stuff it up his furry backside.

To make matters worse my new cage mate who I was hoping to be my friend seems to be getting along with both Narna and the weird space rat...He is supposed to be my friend not theirs!!!
I even let him sleep in the hammock sometimes...

Saturday 17 October 2015


My whiskers are twitching with annoyance at the sudden introduction of a baby rat to my home!

He has lived here for nearly a week now and I don't like it. He poops in my poop tray and follows me about!

Once, I even had to wrestle him out of my hammock, what in rat tails is my lady trying to do?

I think I need to comfort eat...

Friday 2 October 2015

Ed Video

I just put together a video compilation of Ed....Some of his words are typed up for him too... It seems only fair he be remembered for being the little terror he truely wanted to be. 

we all know otherwise.

squeekers! im hungry! Look at all this edible paper!

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Is there anyone out there???


It has been a long time since writing to anyone from either the Street Sleepers or Vermillion, the last I was aware of Vermillion had fallen to their death...I haven't heard of anyone squeaking up a riot or pinching a hobnob since...what's happening out there?? Street Sleepers where are you all at?

I am beginning to think the cats have truly taken over out there...

In here our humans have found a safety blanket from the horrible feline race... it's called a Woof-Yap, basically I asked him what he was and that was the response I got... I think this creature is supposed to be a companion of sort, though I find it hard to believe with all the drool and noise it makes.

something tells me my lady is gonna regret this guard and all I can do is watch from behind the safety bars of my home. I think I'm going to have to begin learning the Woof-Yap language in order to fully understand this new....thing.

Although Im fully convinced he meowed like a cat the other day....

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Dear Ed.

Hey Ed,
I had a dream about you again yesterday, we were chasing each other around the room and the Lady was throwing bits of ham and peas to us. You were trying to sneak off to the mop bucket like you always do to hide and gobble up any treat you get. i was so happy in this little image of us that i had to open my eyes just so i could really see you...

but when i did... i was alone.

Narna keeps making fun of me behind his bars, he laughs at you not being here anymore and tells me its because im so mean. Lady seems to be the only one i can communicate with even the big woofer is against me. I think she named him Boris but he is not to be trusted....given half the chance i think he would eat all my ham if he could.

I bet you would have had a few evil plans for him though wouldn't you Ed. I have read your blog now and I never realised just how corrupt your train of thoughts were. amusing to read but terrifying to think you wanted me dead so bad.

sometime soon... we shall meet again

love Ham.

Sunday 9 August 2015


Dear Ed.
I know it has been a while since I last squeaked you a message but without you around there is no one to remind me on a daily basis that things need to be remembered, so I just forget, and sleep a lot instead.
I have lost a bit of weight now, I kinda feel SEXY! I only have podge on my thighs now.

Today my Lady woke up at a really rodent time... I'm sure she is becoming like us and prefers the night. She got me out for ages! we were in the marshmallow room and she was chasing me with her pretend rat (her hand). I  had quite some fun. And to top it off I got a massage, have you ever had one??? Oh wow I nearly fell asleep, If it wasn't for her terrible Disney playlist I think I would have. I am not sure what she was thinking when she put famous track sung by lions and cats on for me... you would think she would have considered my feelings.

Hopefully she will share her dinner with me later, I haven't had ham in a while and it makes me feel....hamless =[

Love you always bud,